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Pupils and teachers were lucky to take part in the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy


9 June, 2 pupils, Tydian and Gabin are on their marks to present the project and sell our books (7 at the end of the day, not bad!).

8 June, we were lucky to be invited by a collège in Caen to meet 9 British veterans. Tydian, Gabin and Anna had the chance to chat with them. They offered them one of our books too, which was appreciated by the veterans and their families.

Another chance was to meet the President (right) of Deep Respect and the pipers of the Association (below) at La Cambe, for a ceremony marking the 80 years of its liberation by the 29 US division.

It's 10 years now since we met and that the project bagun.

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27 May - The lycée hosts the National Résistance Day, sharing the memory of André Biaux, Résistant and deportee (1924-2021).

It is a great opportunity for pupils to read in public and produce exhibitions (below, left).

Pupils and teachers came from other schools (collège Jean Jaurès, right), and 2 attachés to the US Embassy came and exchanged views about how history of WW2 and remembrance are shared in the US and in France. Julie, a pupil, handed over a panel of the exhibition pupils produced since 2021.

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Left: 28 May, a school group receives his certificate of "Ambassadors of memories of Évreux" after a very nice ceremony organized by Élodie Bocquet, Head of the local archive department.

Right, some panels of our exhibition are presented at the local Touris Office, in Évreux. 

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